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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Shrine Ruins}}

[[File:废神社昼.jpg|thumb|Day (Area 13)]]
[[File:废神社夜.jpg|thumb|Night (Area 1)]]
Once a place where people prayed for protection, this shrine has fallen into decay and is now haunted by the roars of monsters, day and night.

However, it still maintains its holy nature and exudes a mysterious aura.

= 诗句介绍 =
= Verse Introduction =
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'''Sanctuary Abandoned by the Gods'''<br>'''Shrine Ruins'''
These halls of worship<br>Once so bustling
Now home to monsters<br>Stalking and rustling
Hunters beware<br>Naught waits but despair
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'''Sanctuary Abandoned by the Gods'''<br>'''Shrine Ruins'''
These halls of worship<br>Once so bustling
Now home to monsters<br>Stalking and rustling
Hunters beware<br>Naught waits but despair
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= 古老手记内容 =
= Old Messages =
# 那片土地上流淌着清水,清水滋润着大地,大地哺育了生命,生命的曲调化为祈祷。
# The water in these lands is pure. Clean water enriches the soil. From rich soil sprouts new life. Prayer brings water.
# 有众多神明安居此地,然而神明拒绝人类的靠近,人类只能从远方慕望。
# This land was home to many a god. But they shunned people. Thus the land was only admired with envy from afar.
# 平凡无奇的一夜,突然有谁轰响了雷鸣,拂晓之时,已不见神明。
# Then, without warning, a bolt of lightning resounded through the night. When dawn broke, the gods were gone.
# 人们聚集到遗留着神明恩惠的土地上,最终建造起无数神社,用以敬拜祭祀早已消失无踪的神明。
# The people began to gather in this blessed land, erecting many a shrine to venerate the departed gods.
# 人们享受着安宁和恩惠,岁月静好,无物干扰,大地上充满了各种祈祷。
# Graced by abundance, the people lived a bountiful and peaceful life, filling the land with prayers.
# 光阴如织,日月如梭,人类骄矜日盛,轻视神明恩惠,神明故地逐渐荒废败落。
# Moons passed; times changed. The people become arrogant and thankless. As they did so, the land fell into desolation.
# 平凡无奇的一夜,突然有谁刮起了飓风,终结时刻,悄然降临。
# Then, one night, a gale swept the land before halting abruptly, as though it were the breath of a divine being.
# 重现的众神,皆面露惧色,失魂落魄,争先恐后涌入此地。
# In its wake appeared the gods, thought to have vanished. Terrified, the people fled from their ire.
# 众人祈求,神明暴威却无法平息,于是人类离开了那片土地,彼处只留下曾经繁荣的痕迹。
# The people begged for clemency, but the deities raged regardless, chasing the mortals away.
# 岁月流逝,神社朽烂,最终再次化为清水和泥土,崭新的生命,在那片土地上萌发。
# Time Devoured the peoples' shrines and prayers; but eventually, pure water and rich soil returned to nurture new life.
# (百龙夜行手记1)我们出生成长的村庄和平安详。神风吐息驱邪除祟,安宁之焰辉耀世间。
# (Rampage Message 1) We were raised in a peaceful village. The pure wind chased out evil and the calm flames illuminated our path.
# (百龙夜行手记2)然而某天晚上,阴云笼罩了村庄。就仿佛是上苍震怒,狂风呼啸,天雷轰鸣。
# (Rampage Message 2) But one night, a dark cloud descended, blotting out the sun, and we were beset by savage tempests and feral lightning.

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!style="width:390px"|Map Location

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Latest revision as of 16:26, 25 October 2022

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Day (Area 13)
Night (Area 1)

Once a place where people prayed for protection, this shrine has fallen into decay and is now haunted by the roars of monsters, day and night.

However, it still maintains its holy nature and exudes a mysterious aura.

Verse Introduction

English Chinese Japanese

Sanctuary Abandoned by the Gods
Shrine Ruins

These halls of worship
Once so bustling

Now home to monsters
Stalking and rustling

Hunters beware
Naught waits but despair






鎮護の御廟も 今は昔

獣の咆哮 山野を揺るがす

凶禍幾千 お覚悟めされよ

Old Messages

  1. The water in these lands is pure. Clean water enriches the soil. From rich soil sprouts new life. Prayer brings water.
  2. This land was home to many a god. But they shunned people. Thus the land was only admired with envy from afar.
  3. Then, without warning, a bolt of lightning resounded through the night. When dawn broke, the gods were gone.
  4. The people began to gather in this blessed land, erecting many a shrine to venerate the departed gods.
  5. Graced by abundance, the people lived a bountiful and peaceful life, filling the land with prayers.
  6. Moons passed; times changed. The people become arrogant and thankless. As they did so, the land fell into desolation.
  7. Then, one night, a gale swept the land before halting abruptly, as though it were the breath of a divine being.
  8. In its wake appeared the gods, thought to have vanished. Terrified, the people fled from their ire.
  9. The people begged for clemency, but the deities raged regardless, chasing the mortals away.
  10. Time Devoured the peoples' shrines and prayers; but eventually, pure water and rich soil returned to nurture new life.
  11. (Rampage Message 1) We were raised in a peaceful village. The pure wind chased out evil and the calm flames illuminated our path.
  12. (Rampage Message 2) But one night, a dark cloud descended, blotting out the sun, and we were beset by savage tempests and feral lightning.
Message No. Scene Screenshot Map Location
1 废神社-01号-现场-水印.png 废神社-01号-地图-水印.png
2 废神社-02号-现场-水印.png 废神社-02号-地图-水印.png
3 废神社-03号-现场-水印.png 废神社-03号-地图-水印.png
4 废神社-04号-现场-水印.png 废神社-04号-地图-水印.png
5 废神社-05号-现场-水印.png 废神社-05号-地图-水印.png
6 废神社-06号-现场-水印.png 废神社-06号-地图-水印.png
7 废神社-07号-现场-水印.png 废神社-07号-地图-水印.png
8 废神社-08号-现场-水印.png 废神社-08号-地图-水印.png
9 废神社-09号-现场-水印.png 废神社-09号-地图-水印.png
10 废神社-10号-现场-水印.png 废神社-10号-地图-水印.png
Rampage Message 1 百龙-01号-现场-水印.png 百龙-01号-地图-水印.png
Rampage Message 2 百龙-02号-现场-水印.png 百龙-02号-地图-水印.png