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Our Wiki is up-to-date with the Sunbreak final update (v16.0.0)!

Day (Area 9)
Night (Area 3)

The Jungle boasts a warm climate and abundant rainfall, making it a paradise for the monsters and plant life that make their home there.

It features rich, tree-laden greenery, expansive subterranean caverns, and relaxing waterside areas.

Verse Introduction

English Chinese Japanese

Endless Eden

Those who set foot in this land...

Will behold its breathtaking splendor.

Ancient ruins, lush greens, and rich waters.

树木古迹 无限秘境




Old Messages

Message No. Scene Screenshot Map Location
1 密林-01号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-01号-地图-水印.jpg
2 密林-02号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-02号-地图-水印.jpg
3 密林-03号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-03号-地图-水印.jpg
4 密林-04号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-04号-地图-水印.jpg
5 密林-05号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-05号-地图-水印.jpg
6 密林-06号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-06号-地图-水印.jpg
7 密林-07号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-07号-地图-水印.jpg
8 密林-08号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-08号-地图-水印.jpg
9 密林-09号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-09号-地图-水印.jpg
10 密林-10号-现场-水印.jpg 密林-10号-地图-水印.jpg