Explore the Unexplored

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English Explore the Unexplored
Chinese (simplified) 挑战秘境
Chinese (traditional) 尋找秘境
Japanese 秘境を目指して

Basic info

Quest type Hub
Quest rank Master
Quest level 6⭐
Quest property Urgent quest
Quest locale Forlorn Arena
Time limit 50 minutes
Quest target Hunt a Silver Rathalos
Reward money Zenny 32040
Fail condition Reward hits 0, or time expires
Quest giver Hunchbacked Old Lady
Description I'll tell you about a secret hunting ground, I will. It doesn't matter if it's day or night, the silver sun always shines, giving would- be hunters a good workout... Heh, heh, heh...!
Unlock condition No info yet
Special reward

Large monsters in this quest

Monster name Is target? Mini crown prob King crown prob HP* (by player number) Attack multiplier Defense multiplier
One Two Three Four
Silver Rathalos Yes 6% 10% 53550 72292 91035 107100 11.5 1.0

* Shown in the table are standard HP values (base HP × standard quest multiplier × multi-player multiplier). In most quests, the actual quest multiplier will fluctuate around the standard value. Dango weakener (Lv.2) can guarantee a value that is no higher than standard.

Quest rewards

Material name Obtain method QTY Prob
— Melding Pudding Quest reward 1 15%
— Adamant Jewel Quest reward 2 9%
— Sovereign Jewel Quest reward 1 30%
— King Armor Sphere Quest reward 1 30%
— Heavy Armor Sphere Quest reward 2 10%
— Golden Egg Quest reward 2 2%
— Platinum Egg Quest reward 1 4%
— Outfit Voucher+ Special reward 1 70%
— Outfit Voucher+ Special reward 2 30%