Foul Play in the Forest

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English Foul Play in the Forest
Chinese (simplified) 与水共存之物
Chinese (traditional) 與水共生者
Japanese 水と共に生きるもの

Basic info

Quest type Hub
Quest rank High
Quest level 5⭐
Quest property Key quest
Quest locale Flooded Forest
Time limit 50 minutes
Quest target Hunt a Royal Ludroth
Reward money Zenny 5760
Fail condition Reward hits 0, or time expires
Quest giver Restaurant Owner
Description Hey, listen here. Don't go tellin' people what I'm about to tell you, capiche? Some of our "special ingredients" come from the Flooded Forest, but now some rivals are tryin' to move in on our turf. This is not good for business. And, we can't have that, can we?
Unlock condition No info yet
Special reward

Large monsters in this quest

Monster name Is target? Mini crown prob King crown prob HP* (by player number) Attack multiplier Defense multiplier
One Two Three Four
Royal Ludroth Yes 3% 3% 12900 18705 24897 29669 3.5 1.0
Kulu-Ya-Ku No 1% 0% 8910 12919 17196 20493 3.5 1.0
Jyuratodus No 1% 0% 12150 17617 23449 27944 3.5 1.0
Bishaten No 1% 0% 11340 16443 21886 26081 3.5 1.0
Rajang No 1% 0% 13950 20227 26923 32084 4.6 1.0
Great Wroggi No 1% 0% 8100 11745 15633 18630 3.5 1.0
Arzuros No 1% 0% 8910 12919 17196 20493 3.5 1.0

* Shown in the table are standard HP values (base HP × standard quest multiplier × multi-player multiplier). In most quests, the actual quest multiplier will fluctuate around the standard value. Dango weakener (Lv.2) can guarantee a value that is no higher than standard.

Quest rewards

Material name Obtain method QTY Prob
— Monster Keenbone Quest reward 1 14%
— Monster Bone+ Quest reward 2 10%
— Acute Fang Quest reward 1 12%
— Piercing Claw Quest reward 1 12%
— Dragonite Ore Quest reward 1 9%
— Aquaglow Jewel Quest reward 1 14%
— Armor Sphere+ Quest reward 2 8%
— Advanced Armor Sphere Quest reward 1 21%