Quit Spooking My Lunch!

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English Quit Spooking My Lunch!
Chinese (simplified) 别毁坏我的垂钓点喵
Chinese (traditional) 別擾亂我的釣場
Japanese ボクの釣り場を荒らさニャいで

Basic info

Quest type Hub
Quest rank Master
Quest level 4⭐
Quest property
Quest locale Flooded Forest
Time limit 50 minutes
Quest target Hunt all target monsters
Reward money Zenny 64440
Fail condition Reward hits 0, or time expires
Quest giver Fishing Felyne
Description Under roots and fallen trees, the Flooded Forest has tons of secret fishing spots. But I can't get any fishin' in with all these meownsters stompin' around scarin' away all the fish! Can you lure 'em away, please?
Unlock condition No info yet
Special reward

Large monsters in this quest

Monster name Is target? Mini crown prob King crown prob HP* (by player number) Attack multiplier Defense multiplier
One Two Three Four
Almudron Yes 6% 10% 15910 21478 27047 31820 10.0 1.0
Mizutsune Yes 6% 10% 17760 23976 30192 35520 10.0 1.0
Garangolm Yes 6% 10% 18040 24354 30668 36080 10.0 1.0

* Shown in the table are standard HP values (base HP × standard quest multiplier × multi-player multiplier). In most quests, the actual quest multiplier will fluctuate around the standard value. Dango weakener (Lv.2) can guarantee a value that is no higher than standard.

Quest rewards

Material name Obtain method QTY Prob
— Solid Bone Quest reward 1 16%
— Monster Slogbone Quest reward 1 16%
— Crushing Fang Quest reward 2 6%
— Tough Claw Quest reward 2 6%
— Melding Honey Quest reward 1 10%
— Adamant Jewel Quest reward 1 18%
— Heavy Armor Sphere Quest reward 2 21%
— Golden Egg Quest reward 1 7%