True Guard Breaker

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True Guard Breaker
True Guard Breaker
Weapon type Sword And Shield
Attack 280
Element WaterWater21
See Water Sword And Shield list

Use this weapon in your build

A refined weapon, allowing a skilled wielder to weaken and pick off foes with ease.


English Chinese (simplified) Chinese (traditional) Japanese
True Guard Breaker 真蛙式・扫堂斩 真蛙式・頂膝後摔 真蛙式・斬リカエシ

Basic info

Base data

Rarity Atk Def bonus Element Affinity Sharpness (original & Handicraft Lv5
8 280 30 WaterWater21 0%

Weapon skill slots

Slots Rampage slot (MR)
2-star no-star no-star 2-star

Upgrade path to this weapon

Each weapon can be obtained by purchasing, forging or upgrading. The following table shows how to obtain「True Guard Breaker」as well as all of its upstream weapons.Upgrading in the order shown by this table will lead you to「True Guard Breaker」. You can start from any weapon along the path that is forgable.

Method Name (en) Name (ja) Name (zh) Purchase Forge materials Upgrade materials
Purchase/Forge Hunter's Knife I ハンターナイフ I 猎人匕首 I Zenny 600

Iron Ore Iron Ore x3

Zenny 300

【Obtain Ore Scrap Ore Scrap x2】

Upgrade Hunter's Knife II ハンターナイフ II 猎人匕首 II

Icium Icium x2

Iron Ore Iron Ore x3

Zenny 600

Forge/Upgrade Cunning Riposte I 斬リカエシ I 扫堂斩 I

Tetranadon Beak Tetranadon Beak x1

Tetra Carapace Tetra Carapace x3

Aqua Sac Aqua Sac x2

Machalite Ore Machalite Ore x2

Zenny 1800

【Obtain Tetranadon Scrap Tetranadon Scrap x2】

Tetranadon Beak Tetranadon Beak x1

Tetranadon Hide Tetranadon Hide x3

Iron Ore Iron Ore x5

Zenny 1200

【Obtain Tetranadon Scrap Tetranadon Scrap x2】

Upgrade Cunning Riposte II 斬リカエシ II 扫堂斩 II

Colossal Bone Colossal Bone x3

Tetranadon Disc Tetranadon Disc x1

Tetranadon Tetranadon x10 points

Zenny 6000

Upgrade Guard Breaker 蛙式・斬リカエシ 蛙式・扫堂斩

Tetranadon Beak+ Tetranadon Beak+ x1

Tetranadon Disc+ Tetranadon Disc+ x1

Tetra Carapace+ Tetra Carapace+ x4

Torrent Sac Torrent Sac x2

Zenny 12000

Upgrade Guard Breaker+ 蛙式・斬リカエシ改 蛙式・扫堂斩改

Tetranadon Greatbeak Tetranadon Greatbeak x1

Tetranadon Finedisc Tetranadon Finedisc x1

Heavy Tetra Carapace Heavy Tetra Carapace x4

Flood Sac Flood Sac x2

Zenny 12000

Upgrade True Guard Breaker 真蛙式・斬リカエシ 真蛙式・扫堂斩

Orangaten Talon Orangaten Talon x2

Massive Bone Massive Bone x3

Large Beast Gem Large Beast Gem x1

MR Tetranadon MR Tetranadon x10 points

Zenny 16000

Next level upgrade of this weapon

The following weapon(s) in the table can be upgraded from「True Guard Breaker」.

Method Name (en) Name (ja) Name (zh) Forge materials Upgrade materials
Upgrade True Guard Breaker+ 真蛙式・斬リカエシ改 真蛙式・扫堂斩改

Afflicted Blood Afflicted Blood x7

MR Tetranadon MR Tetranadon x30 points

Zenny 60000

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