Archfiend Armor Armorset

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Archfiend Armor Armorset
Archfiend Armor male Archfiend Armor female
Rarity 10
Monster Gaismagorm
Total def at Lv1 630
Total def at max Lv 720

「Archfiend Armor Armorset」is a master rank set of the following 5 pieces of armor:

  • Head armor Archfiend Armor Cerato: A demon of destruction, arisen from the depths, with a head of inhuman capacities.
  • Chest armor Archfiend Armor Baulo: A demon of destruction, arisen from the depths, with body of all-consuming protection.
  • Arm armor Archfiend Armor Epine: A demon of destruction, arisen from the depths, with arms that hate all living things.
  • Waist armor Archfiend Armor Ura: A demon of destruction, arisen from the depths, with a tail that sweeps away worlds.
  • Leg armor Archfiend Armor Sceros: A demon of destruction, arisen from the depths, with feet that scar the soil they touch.


English Chinese (simplified) Chinese (traditional) Japanese
Archfiend Armor Cerato 冥渊缠铠【怒头】 冥淵纏鎧憤怒之角 冥淵纏鎧イレケラト
Archfiend Armor Baulo 冥渊缠铠【怒躯】 冥淵纏鎧憤怒之軀 冥淵纏鎧イレバウロ
Archfiend Armor Epine 冥渊缠铠【怒臂】 冥淵纏鎧憤怒之棘 冥淵纏鎧イレエピヌ
Archfiend Armor Ura 冥渊缠铠【怒尾】 冥淵纏鎧憤怒之尾 冥淵纏鎧イレウーラ
Archfiend Armor Sceros 冥渊缠铠【怒足】 冥淵纏鎧憤怒之足 冥淵纏鎧イレスケロス

Skills of each armor

Type Armor name Slots Skills
Head armor Archfiend Armor Cerato 4-star 2-star no-star
Weakness Exploit
Chest armor Archfiend Armor Baulo 3-star 2-star no-star
Weakness Exploit
Arm armor Archfiend Armor Epine 4-star no-star no-star
Waist armor Archfiend Armor Ura 4-star no-star no-star
Weakness Exploit
Leg armor Archfiend Armor Sceros 3-star 2-star 2-star

Defense stats


Type Armor name Max Lv Def at Lv1 Def at max Lv
Head armor Archfiend Armor Cerato 10 126 144
Chest armor Archfiend Armor Baulo 10 126 144
Arm armor Archfiend Armor Epine 10 126 144
Waist armor Archfiend Armor Ura 10 126 144
Leg armor Archfiend Armor Sceros 10 126 144

Elemental resistance

Type Armor name FireFire WaterWater ThunderThunder IceIce DragonDragon
Head armor Archfiend Armor Cerato 0 3 -2 3 -5
Chest armor Archfiend Armor Baulo 0 3 -2 3 -5
Arm armor Archfiend Armor Epine 0 3 -2 3 -5
Waist armor Archfiend Armor Ura 0 3 -2 3 -5
Leg armor Archfiend Armor Sceros 0 3 -2 3 -5

Materials required

Type Armor name Materials required Price
Head armor Archfiend Armor Cerato

Abyssal Dragonscale Abyssal Dragonscale x4

Archdemon Piercetalon Archdemon Piercetalon x3

Archdemon Wingtalon Archdemon Wingtalon x2

Lunagaron Bluecore Lunagaron Bluecore x2

【Obtain Heavy Archdemon Scrap Heavy Archdemon Scrap x1】

Zenny 24000
Chest armor Archfiend Armor Baulo

Abyssal Dragonscale Abyssal Dragonscale x2

Archdemon Backshell Archdemon Backshell x3

Archdemon Doomhorn Archdemon Doomhorn x1

Malzeno Fellwing Malzeno Fellwing x2

【Obtain Heavy Archdemon Scrap Heavy Archdemon Scrap x1】

Zenny 24000
Arm armor Archfiend Armor Epine

Abyssal Dragonscale Abyssal Dragonscale x5

Archdemon Backshell Archdemon Backshell x2

Archdemon Tailhook Archdemon Tailhook x1

Garangolm Fist Garangolm Fist x2

【Obtain Heavy Archdemon Scrap Heavy Archdemon Scrap x1】

Zenny 24000
Waist armor Archfiend Armor Ura

Archdemon Doomhorn Archdemon Doomhorn x2

Archdemon Backshell Archdemon Backshell x2

Archdemon Wingtalon Archdemon Wingtalon x1

Abyssal Dragonsphire Abyssal Dragonsphire x1

【Obtain Heavy Archdemon Scrap Heavy Archdemon Scrap x1】

Zenny 24000
Leg armor Archfiend Armor Sceros

Abyssal Dragonscale Abyssal Dragonscale x2

Archdemon Backshell Archdemon Backshell x4

Archdemon Piercetalon Archdemon Piercetalon x2

Consumption Parasite Consumption Parasite x3

【Obtain Heavy Archdemon Scrap Heavy Archdemon Scrap x1】

Zenny 24000

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