Forceshot Jewel+ 4

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A decoration that enhances the「Normal/Rapid Up」skill.


English Chinese (simplified) Chinese (traditional) Japanese
Deco name Forceshot Jewel+ 4 强弹珠 II【4】 強彈珠 II【4】 強弾珠 II【4】
Skill name Normal/Rapid Up 通常弹・连射箭强化 通常彈・連射箭強化 通常弾・連射矢強化

Decoration info

Slot Rarity Price Unlock condition Materials required
4-star 10 Zenny 12000 No info yet

Anomaly Jewel Anomaly Jewel x5

Flickering Silvershell Flickering Silvershell x2

Afflicted Dire Shell Afflicted Dire Shell x6

Skill info

Skill name Skill description Max lv Skill effects
Normal/Rapid Up Increases the attack power of Normal Ammo and Rapid-type arrows. 3
  • Lv1. Slightly increases the power of Normal Ammo and Rapid-type arrows.
  • Lv2. Increases the power of Normal Ammo and Rapid-type arrows.
  • Lv3. Greatly increases the power of Normal Ammo and Rapid-type arrows.